Look for a Book is nothing more than a little bit of fun for children. There's nothing like the joy of discovering a book that has been left by someone else, reading it and then hiding it for another child.
- You find a book and scan the code using your phone camera (or visit the website and enter the code).
- The website logs that it's been found and you take it home to read.
- When you've finished reading it you hide it somewhere and scan the code again.
- And that's it!
- Optionally, you could choose to help spread the gift of reading to others by adding a book to the collection.
Back story
We found a book when visiting Saltburn and thought it was such a lovely thing to do, I followed the instructions on their packing slip and ended up on the Look for a Book North East England Facebook group.
Realising that not everyone is on social media, I thought I could take the idea to another level by making this website and adding features that would be hard to do using social media such as book counts and location tracking, with an aim to make the idea stick all over the UK and perhaps even abroad.
Look for a Book has only just launched and we currently only have 50 books in circulation. Why not add a book for others to enjoy or make a donation for us to use on more books? Please add a note on your donation if you'd like your name to be included on the packing slips.
As you can probably tell, I put this website together very quickly, with no budget. Despite that, I hope you like it.
Why though, what's in it for you?
It's a nice thing to do. In a nutshell, that's 'why'. I'm not interested in tracking people (in fact I'm seriously against tracking people) but I do think tracking books around the country (or world) is kind of cool.
Oh and also, there's nothing quite like bringing joy to people's faces, so there's that too.
Why do I need to login?
You only need to login if you're adding a book. When you add a book you get access to a dashboard that lists all of the books you added so that you can see where they've got to.
Where are the books?
Note: These are the last known rough locations of the books.
Like what I'm doing?
If you like what I'm doing then I'd love it if you could either add a book or make a donation for us to use on more books. Please add a note on your donation if you'd like your name to be included on the packing slips. If you don't want to do either of those things and would rather buy me a coffee then that would be amazing too.